Welcome to the website of

Sofia International Model United Nations



An International Organization of Young Leaders


The Search of Future Ideas, Models Us Now


Why sponsor the SOFIMUN International Foundation?


Why sponsor us?

We believe that you recognize the importance of a community that promotes awareness on global issues and that you share the common vision for international exposure. The SOFIMUN International Foundation organizes numerous events (debates, round tables, lectures, study trips, education campaigns, trainings, workshops, and the annual international MUN conference SOFIMUN, etc) and for these purposes we need sufficient funds. All funds are designated to the engagement of young leaders to the ability to join all these learning opportunities. As the SOFIMUN International Foundation solely relies on our benevolent sponsors, we sincerely ask for your generous support. This would be a significant step in training up future leaders and benefit the society.


Sponsorship Benefits

1. To enjoy cost-effective promotion in recognition

A comprehensive and long-term publicity campaign will be conducted by the SOFIMUN International Foundation to maximize the sponsors’ exposure and coverage in local and international press, as well as to enhance the company’s reputation among current and potential clients. The public can generate top-of mind awareness towards the Sponsor.


2. To enter the global market

Since the annual conference of the SOFIMUN International Foundation attract thousands of participants from all over the world, your products and services will easily and effectively reach out to them, making this a helpful way to enter the global market.


3. To reach out to an audience of tertiary students as youth market

Our estimated impressions numbers based on the projected number of people who will view the online, radio, and TV broadcasts, read the editorials online and in the newspapers, receive the leaflets and read the prints in campuses and other types of education facilities around the world is estimated to over 900,000. Your products or services will be promoted to a lot of local and foreign university students and young post-graduates.


4. To recognize the Sponsor’s dedication towards the success of our eye-fixing events.

Our targeted participants are university students and post-graduates that posses high potentials in their future careers. The positive image of appearance in these international events will be built-up by promoting your products and services. Their high purchasing power in the near future would be a good fit for your company.


If you are a non-profit organization or a local, national, international, diplomatic institution than your help will contribute to a better understanding of your ideas and initiatives. You will also gain more public knowledge and support on current policies being implemented. Public recognition is also a highly-valued asset.


5. To reinforce the Sponsor’s brand image of social contribution, innovation and professionalism, as well as to generate goodwill.

Our promotion not only helps the credibility of your company’s image or organization's public face and the brand that you are trying to present to the community, but also increases your brand value. You have an easy access to a elite group of young people who's time will come in the following years to make important decisions on different policies.


How to Sponsor?

1. Sponsor by cheque:

Please fill information of your name, organization, contact number and email and make all checks payable to the SOFIMUN and mail to:


Sofia International Model United Nations (abbreviate with "SOFIMUN" if necessary) International Foundation

Address of SOFIMUN International Foundation: EU, Bulgaria, Sofia, 24 Parchevich str., ap. 16

BANK: DSK Bank - Sofia

Sofia, Bulgaria


2. Sponsor via Moneygram, Western Union, Moneybookers or Paypal:


Please call Mr. Dimiter Mandradjiev at +359 889 69 17 39 to arrange the payment procedure.

You can also contact Mr. Mandradjiev at mandradjiev@sofimun.org.


3. Sponsorship made to our bank account:

Please call Mr. Dimiter Mandradjiev at +359 889 69 17 39 to arrange for payment directly into our bank account. You can also contact Mr. Mandradjiev at mandradjiev@sofimun.org.


Bank account of SOFIMUN Foundation - EURO currency


DSK Bank
ADDRESS:   EU, Bulgaria, Sofia 1000, 6, Batenberg Str.
IBAN:   BG31 STSA 9300 0016 9141 01



Bank account of SOFIMUN Foundation - Bulgarian LEV (BGN) currency


DSK Bank
ADDRESS:   EU, Bulgaria, Sofia 1000, 6, Batenberg Str.
IBAN:   BG65 STSA 9300 0016 9140 71


The SOFIMUN International Foundation uses DSK BANK for its operations due to the professionalism and good services provided to the Foundation.

DSK Bank performs currency transactions via SWIFT and Moneygram.

The Bank has correspondent relations with 856 banks in 89 countries.

You can find more about international payments and corresponding banks of DSK BANK here.


4. Sponsorship in kind (materials):

Our annual conference as well as our ongoing activities require a lot of commodities like stationery, refreshment, etc. We welcome sponsorship in forms of materials and your company products can then be promoted to both local and foreign university students. Please call Mr. Dimiter Mandradjiev at +359 889 69 17 39 for further details. You can also contact Mr. Mandradjiev at mandradjiev@sofimun.org.


Only with your generous support can we sustain the smooth operation of the SOFIMUN International Foundation.


Any amount helps!



Sponsorship of the annual SOFIMUN conference


Name & logo at www.sofimun.org

The name and logo of the institution / company / organization will be published on the website of the SOFIMUN event.


Due to the international character of the conference, our website is visited by more than 2000 unique visitors per day in the registration period of the conference. During the conference and after it we experience even more visitors.


The SOFIMUN Foundation has decided to open special sections in the website, specifically for the biggest sponsors of the SOFIMUN event. In those section our partners will have the free will to publish information about them and their services and products.


The SOFIMUN Foundation provides feedback on demand about the number of visitors and their state of access to the website. The doesn't contain any personal information about the visitors.


The SOFIMUN Foundation publishes description and a link to the website of the sponsor and makes sure that the participants and the other partners of the conference are informed about who is supporting the SOFIMUN event.


The SOFIMUN Foundation can decide to embed also a promotional banner of certain sponsors depending on the level of support provided to the SOFIMUN event.


Before you decide upon the parameters of your sponsorship we urge you to go through our SPONSORSHIP PROJECT for SOFIMUN. If you want to receive an online version (PDF) or a hard copy please write to the Finance division of the SOFIMUN Foundation at finance@sofimun.org and we will send you the booklet.


For more information regarding the positions please contact our Finance division at finance@sofimun.org or call +359 889 691 739 - Mr. Dimiter Mandradjiev - Finance and Fundraising supervisor.


Name & logo on prints

The name and logo of the institution / company / organization will be published on any printed material, issued before, during and after the conference by the SOFIMUN Foundation.


The name and logo will be placed surely on the following items:

- delegate handbook

- press releases

- official information

- invitations to the conference’s special guests (ambassador, embassies, international organizations, Bulgarian institutions).


The SOFIMUN Foundation pays special attention to the materials issued on the behalf of the conference by sending them to particular receivers (medias, partners, special guests, delegates) on everyday basis.


The SOFIMUN Foundation can decide to add promotional information of certain sponsors depending on the level of support provided to the SOFIMUN event.


The SOFIMUN Foundation includes the names and logos of its sponsors in the Final Report of the SOFIMUN event which is prepared in 2 months time after the conclusion of the SOFIMUN conference. The Final Report is made public during a press conference after the SOFIMUN event. After the press conference the Final Report is published on the website of the certain edition of the SOFIMUN event.


Before you decide upon the parameters of your sponsorship we urge you to go through our SPONSORSHIP PROJECT for SOFIMUN. If you want to receive an online version (PDF) or a hard copy please write to the Finance division of the SOFIMUN Foundation at finance@sofimun.org and we will send you the booklet.


For more information regarding the positions please contact our Finance division at finance@sofimun.org or call +359 889 691 739 - Mr. Dimiter Mandradjiev - Finance and Fundraising supervisor.


Materials in welcome packages

As our sponsor, you can provide the conference also with promotional materials of the institution / company / organization which you like to be presented. These materials are included in the Welcome package which is received by every delegate, conference team members and our special guests who are attending the SOFIMUN conference.


What is a Welcome package?

A Welcome package is the most essential item which every participant receives upon his arrival at the SOFIMUN event. The Welcome package of SOFIMUN surely contains the following items:

- Badges - conference ID cards

- Delegate Handbook - an important booklet with vital conference information

- Delegate Preparatory Guide - booklet with step-by-step wizard for successful preparation for the SOFIMUN conference

- Rules of Procedure - booklet with important information concerning the rules of the SOFIMUN event

- pen

- paper pad

- additional plane papers

- maps of Sofia for the venues of the SOFIMUN event

- promotional material for Sofia city

- souvenir from the Bulgarian state authorities


What else can be included in a Welcome package?

The SOFIMUN Foundation is open for proposals from the sponsors. The Welcome package can contain various additional promotional materials, products or even special cards for discounts.


The materials in the Welcome package can consist of advertising leaflets to products, specially manufactured for the SOFIMUN event. You can include stationary items like pens, pencils, rubbers or other items like badges, caps, scarves, t-shirts, souvenirs, etc.


Before you decide upon the parameters of your sponsorship we urge you to go through our SPONSORSHIP PROJECT for SOFIMUN. If you want to receive an online version (PDF) or a hard copy please write to the Finance division of the SOFIMUN Foundation at finance@sofimun.org and we will send you the booklet.


For more information regarding the positions please contact our Finance division at finance@sofimun.org or call +359 889 691 739 - Mr. Dimiter Mandradjiev - Finance and Fundraising supervisor.



Media announcements

 The SOFIMUN Foundation has decided to form a special organ which will function during the SOFIMUN event - SNN - SOFIMUN News Network.


Following the tradition of other international MUN events the SNN publishes an everyday PDF edition on news about the conference. This issue is distributed among delegates and among cooperating institutions on international level. This issue is also published in the special SOFIMUN media online space.


The SOFIMUN News Network broadcasts videos about the conference – interviews and presentations that are shown on screens and distributed among cooperating institutions on an international level.


Our sponsors are listed with a logo and name in our everyday media issue and in our video announcements. Our sponsors can also provide us with their promotional video to be broadcasted on everyday basis through the SNN video coverage of the SOFIMUN event.


The SNN is the official intra-conference media body which has full access to the event. It consists of an international crew of 10 young professional. Please be aware that SNN is different from the other media partners of the SOFIMUN Foundation and the SOFIMUN event. The media partners are Bulgarian television and radio operators, newspapers and magazines, internet medias. The media partners are published in the PARTNERS section of the SOFIMUN event website.


The SOFIMUN Foundation also gives press conferences for the media before, during and after the SOFIMUN event. On them the team of the SOFIMUN Foundation gives detailed information about the resolutions and decisions which have been reached during the SOFIMUN event, as well as expression of gratitude to all the sponsors and partners of the SOFIMUN event.


Before you decide upon the parameters of your sponsorship we urge you to go through our SPONSORSHIP PROJECT for SOFIMUN. If you want to receive an online version (PDF) or a hard copy please write to the Finance division of the SOFIMUN Foundation at finance@sofimun.org and we will send you the booklet.


For more information regarding the positions please contact our Finance division at finance@sofimun.org or call +359 889 691 739 - Mr. Dimiter Mandradjiev - Finance and Fundraising supervisor.



Press releases

The SOFIMUN conference has a special team, dealing with the wide promotion of the conference and its sponsors and partners.


The work of the PR team starts about 6 months before the SOFIMUN event and continues three months after its conclusion. During that period, the SOFIMUN PR team promotes the conference, together with all its sponsors and partners through an extended network of medias, public organizations and partners all over the world. This is done by:


- Organizing minimum 2 press conferences – at the beginning and at the end of the conference.


- Press releases on a regular basis to over 300 Bulgarian media (televisions, radios, newspapers, internet editions).


- Press releases on a regular basis to over 100 international media, including specialized ones.


- Press releases on a regular basis to over 1000 universities and NGO organizations in Bulgaria and abroad.


* The press releases with information about SOFIMUN are sent on a regular basis after the start of the work of the PR team (approximately, 6 months before the SOFIMUN event).


Before you decide upon the parameters of your sponsorship we urge you to go through our SPONSORSHIP PROJECT for SOFIMUN. If you want to receive an online version (PDF) or a hard copy please write to the Finance division of the SOFIMUN Foundation at finance@sofimun.org and we will send you the booklet.


For more information regarding the positions please contact our Finance division at finance@sofimun.org or call +359 889 691 739 - Mr. Dimiter Mandradjiev - Finance and Fundraising supervisor.



The SOFIMUN Foundation offers to its sponsors the ability to support the SOFIMUN event by awarding delegates with various items or opportunities.


Institutions, companies, organizations can contribute to the development of the young leader by awarding all of them or only part with items. Please be aware that the SOFIMUN Foundation will not accept a direct financial award (cash) to be given to a delegate due to the principals of the MUN idea. However the SOFIMUN Foundation will accept an indirect financial award to be given to delegates at the SOFIMUN event. Such can be a scholarship for a university, program, exchange or other.


The SOFIMUN Foundation strongly wishes to promote the idea of internships. A sponsor can contribute to the SOFIMUN event by sponsoring a paid internship.


An award can also be a discount opportunity for services or products of a company.


The SOFIMUN Foundation welcomes private sector companies who wish to take part in awarding the delegates with items or services.


The awards can be given by your own choice or as a lottery at the end of the SOFIMUN event.


Before you decide upon the parameters of your sponsorship we urge you to go through our SPONSORSHIP PROJECT for SOFIMUN. If you want to receive an online version (PDF) or a hard copy please write to the Finance division of the SOFIMUN Foundation at finance@sofimun.org and we will send you the booklet.


For more information regarding the positions please contact our Finance division at finance@sofimun.org or call +359 889 691 739 - Mr. Dimiter Mandradjiev - Finance and Fundraising supervisor.


The SOFIMUN conference gathers young world leaders from more then 30 nations from 6 continents.


The SOFIMUN Foundation welcomes any public organization or institution wishing to have a reception of the world youth elite. A reception can be carried out under the terms that no racism or other ideas and activities that may lead to penalties by law are to be promoted or discussed during such an initiative in the period of the SOFIMUN conference.


A reception by a public organization or institution contributes to the strengthening of the relations between the young generations and the national representatives on the SOFIMUN forum.


By having a reception the public organization or institution (local or state) have the ability to promote important ideas and put them on the agenda of the young people on a global scale. Also such an initiative shows that the public organization or institution supports the young generations and thus tries to eliminate the generation gaps.


An initiative of this kind is one of the best ways to promote your ideas in the public by having a strong media coverage.


Before you decide upon the parameters of your sponsorship we urge you to go through our SPONSORSHIP PROJECT for SOFIMUN. If you want to receive an online version (PDF) or a hard copy please write to the Finance division of the SOFIMUN Foundation at finance@sofimun.org and we will send you the booklet.


For more information regarding the positions please contact our Finance division at finance@sofimun.org or call +359 889 691 739 - Mr. Dimiter Mandradjiev - Finance and Fundraising supervisor.



The SOFIMUN conference is one of the few places where future world economic and political leaders gather.


As our sponsor, under your choice, the institution / company / organization can take part in the conference.


During the SOFIMUN conference special presentations can be initiated and carried out. These presentations can be academic or other kind of lectures; meeting with the delegates; product and/or service promotion of a company; or other types of presentation.


A presentation can also be a tour through a building, factory, museum or an acquaintance with the foreign policy of a state or union on a certain issue. The SOFIMUN event will try to have academic lectures and presentations on the issues that the SOFIMUN organs are going to discuss.


A presentation can be carried out in front of all the delegates or just with a certain organ. The SOFIMUN Foundation encourages the multinational idea during a presentation.


The SOFIMUN Foundation will consider any proposal for a presentation during the SOFIMUN event.


Before you decide upon the parameters of your sponsorship we urge you to go through our SPONSORSHIP PROJECT for SOFIMUN. If you want to receive an online version (PDF) or a hard copy please write to the Finance division of the SOFIMUN Foundation at finance@sofimun.org and we will send you the booklet.


For more information regarding the positions please contact our Finance division at finance@sofimun.org or call +359 889 691 739 - Mr. Dimiter Mandradjiev - Finance and Fundraising supervisor.



Thank you for your interest in the SOFIMUN Foundation!



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Join the next edition of the world conference for young leaders - the Sofia International Model United Nations in the beautiful city of Sofia in Bulgaria. The major event for Eastern Europe that sparkles the spirit of tomorrow.

Go to the website >>

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You can contact our coordinators or even propose to have a SOFIMUN team visit you.



In the


The SOFIMUN International Foundation has a very populated archive of its activities and programs that have been cited or incorporated in materials of the press.

See it here >>


SOFIMUN Foundation

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